Saturday, August 21, 2021

Harvest, Harvest, and still more Harvest

Do you feel rich yet? It's not too late to order more jars. Make sure you have plenty. You might want to have 20 maybe 30 cases of Pint jars, depending on how many things you're able to store in a cold room and how many things you need to can. There's still potatoes to consider. I need to can mine if I have very many.

So today is more of the same. Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Zucchini, Rutabaga, and Peas. Zucchini might be winding down now, and if you planted any other kind of summer squash, you might start thinking of pinching off any new blooms. You want the plant to concentrate it's energy on ripening what it has more than producing new. Judge this move by the temperature of the day and night though. As long as nights are staying comfortably above 40 degrees, let them do whatever they want.

Happy Harvesting
Happy Putting By too

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