Saturday, July 10, 2021

The Season of Harvest

Now that everything is planted, most of your attention should be given over to weeding. If you can manage to devote a couple hours every day to the task, so much the better; your harvest will reward you for your effort.

Today, you should also find some cauliflower ready to harvest. Be careful and cut only those heads that are ready. With luck the plant will continue to produce smaller heads that can perhaps go directly to the table.

Also keep an eye out for more turnips and kohlrabi. Only take the biggest ones and preferably no bigger than the palm of your hand.

Freezing cauliflower:

Wash and break into florets.
Peel and split stems.
Soak in salt water for 10 to 15 minutes.
Rinse well.
Blanch in boiling water for 3 minutes, or in steam for 5 minutes.

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